50th Annual Spring Seminar & Dinner

Date: Friday, April 26, 2013
Time: 12:45 PM - 8:00pm
Location: Best Western Midway Motor Lodge

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12:50 to 1:00    Opening Remarks, Jay Kramer, President

1:00 to 1:55      Kenneth Boothe, JD, CLU, ChFC, Director of Nationwide Financial's
                           Advanced Consulting Group will present " Partners in Planning: Insurance
                           and Long Term Care"
2:00 to 2:55      Kenneth Boothe, JD, CLU, ChFC, Director of Nationwide Financial's
                           Advanced Consulting Group will speak on "Annuity Contract Ownership -
                           Annuity Driven Contracts"
3:00 to 3:55      Robert Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP (Distinguished) Partner with Keebler &
                           Associates, LLP will share strategies on "Income Tax Planning after
4:00 to 5:00      Robert Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP (Distinguished) Partner with Keebler &
                           Associates, LLP will explain "Charitable Remainder and Charitable Lead
                           Trusts after ATRA".
Attendance at this seminar will satisfy four continuing education credits for attorneys, CPAs, CFPs, ChFCs, all Wisconsin insurance license holders and those individuals that hold insurance licenses in states with continuing education reciprocity with the state of Wisconsin.
6:00 to 6:30      Cocktails                      
6:30 to   ??       Dinner – Pina Colada Schrimp, Roasted Tomato Bisque, Southest
                          Ceasar Salad, Sorbet, Beef Wellington, Vegtable du Jour,
                          Strawberry Schaum Torte, Rolls & Butter, Wine
Dues are still $50. The cost of the seminar is $60.The dinner is a members and spouses / significant other only event. If you sign up for the seminar and stay for dinner, the cost of your dinner is $20, and the cost for your spouse or significant other is $15.


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